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Remastering GRML

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It is recommended that you use grml-live to build your own disc.
I did this in Sid while booted to the grml kernel 2.6.33-grml64

Remastering grml isn't a great idea always.
This solution works if you need:
Live disc with support for YOUR hardware out of the box.
Simple remastering.
debootstrap new installations

I obtained this info here but some info is outdated and simply wrong:

Loop mount the iso image:
mkdir -p GRML/isomount
# mount -o loop /path/to/grml.iso isomount/

Create a local build directory excluding the original squashfs image - we'll create our own in a moment:
$ mkdir isonew
$ rsync -av --exclude=live/grml64-small.squashfs isomount/ isonew/

Loop mount the squash image itself:
$ mkdir squashmount unsquashed
# mount -o loop -t squashfs isomount/live/grml64-small.squashfs squashmount/
# cp -a squashmount/* unsquashed

Your build environment is complete at this point. Build:

# chroot ~/GRML/unsquashed /usr/bin/zsh
Mount proc and devpts
# mount -t proc none /proc
# mount -t devpts none /dev/pts
# dhclient wlan0
# apt-get update
# apt-get install BLAH BLAH BLAH
# apt-get dist-upgrade
(not recommended <- this will create problems.
# apt-get clean
# nano /etc/locale.gen (<- optional)
# apt-get install locales localepurge
# localegen
# localepurge

Create a new package list from chroot
# cd
# dpkg -l|grep ii > grml64-small-packages.txt

The new package list lives in unsquashed/root

Important that you umount /proc and /dev/pts prior to leaving chroot
# umount /proc /dev/pts
CTRL+D to leave chroot

mv unsquashed/root/grml64-small-packages.txt isonew/GRML/

Add your custom squashfs image to the build:
# mksquashfs-lzma ./unsquashed new-grml64-small.squashfs
# cp new-grml64-small.squashfs isonew/live/grml64-small.squashfs
# md5sum isonew/live/grml64-small.squashfs
# nano isonew/GRML/md5sums

- Change this line

9af7ef064b4c4a3c447b1ac21f16455d ../live/grml64-small.squashfs

# chmod 644 isonew/GRML/md5sums

Make the new iso image:
# mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "grml Custom-05.2010" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -hide-rr-moved -o grml-05.15.10.iso ./isonew

You can add a grml kernel to your system and boot it. This way you're working with the same kernel as in the remaster. Works on Sid.
deb http://deb.grml.org/ grml-testing main
You may wish to also install zsh on your remastering system to make this easier.

Change wallpaper here:
Just delete and reset the symlink
OR edit

For user specific configuration, copy your custom .dotfiles to /etc/skel


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